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Legalett Air-Heated Radiant Floor Systems & Frost Protected Shallow Foundation Products

Air-Heated Radiant Floor Systems & Frost Protected Shallow Foundations


Legalett Products

ICF Foundation Forms & Radiant Heat

Legalett is run by specialist Engineers who are experienced Manufacturers of Insulated Slab, Foundation & Radiant Heating Products for the Building industry.

30 Years Experience in insulated foundation design and construction makes Legalett ICF Slab-on-Grade forming systems the preferred choice for reliable performance...


Legalett Products

Legalett's range of building solutions What is a Legalett Slab-on-Grade Frost Protected Shallow Foundations & Air-Heated Radiant Floor Systemsinclude:




What is a GEO-Slab Insulated Foundation?


A GEO-Slab Foundation, or GSF, is a type of slab-on-grade monolithic concrete slab and foundation system offering many advantages for building construction - initially designed for Frost Protected Shallow Foundations (FPSF) and popular today with the movement towards energy efficient, sustainable construction.


A GSF can be designed for three building types:


  1. An unheated building relying on geothermal heat.
  2. Heated building - unheated slab relying on the building's conventional heated floor system, i.e. HVAC system.
  3. Heated slab supplied with any form of in-floor radiant heating from a hydronic or an electric, closed loop warm air delivery system.


Legalett's GEO-Slab system is a composite design based on a combination of reinforced concrete and non-reinforced concrete and integral structural Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) insulation.


The combination of EPS polystyrene foam and concrete is an ideal blend of building materials offering:

  • high strength
  • high insulation value
  • versatility
  • ease of use
  • relatively low cost
  • sustainability


Legalett's GEO-Slab system offers a cost-effective green solution, providing efficiencies in price and in materials consumed through simplification of the foundation design and reducing a building's carbon footprint during  construction and use. The cost and energy savings of a GEO-Slab Insulated Foundation are realized in a number of different areas.

  • Minimal excavation is required (stripping of topsoil versus digging over 4' into the ground).
  • A single concrete pour for the slab is required, compared to two and sometimes three pours for footings, slabs and frost walls.
  • Supplementary footing drainage, i.e “Big O” is greatly reduced or eliminated as there is no worry about flooding.
  • No sump pumps are required



The Legalett Air-Heated ICF GEO-Slab Foundation:


Pipes are cast into the concrete slab through which warm air is circulated through a heating unit. With the aid of a fan, the warm air travels through the pipes heating up the whole floor/foundation. The system is simple, safe and economical!


The only ICF Frost Protected Shallow Foundation system in North America!


Warm Floors!


No Moisture or Mildew!

Discover more about GEO-Slab


The Legalett Air-Heated Radiant Floor System:


What is an Air-Heated Radiant Floor System?


  • Uses air as a safe heating medium.
  • Provides an even, comfortable healthy indoor climate.
  • Eliminates drafts, cold areas or hot spots.
  • Saves energy.
  • Is reliable, simple and safe.
  • Eliminates all risk of damage from moisture and mildew.
  • Offers major advantages during construction.


The Natural Way of Heating a House


Legalett Slab-on-Grade Frost Protected Shallow Foundations & Air-Heated Radiant Floor Systems are the natural way to heat a buildingIt just makes sense! Warm air is lighter than cold air and therefore rises. It is only logical that warm floors provide even comfortable heat in the whole room. An ordinary radiator or baseboard heater gives off a lot of heat, which quickly rises to the ceiling. The heat must be "forced" down towards the floor if you are to avoid cold feet. With the even heat distribution of the Legalett heated foundation, the indoor climate is extremely comfortable.


Legalett supplies air-heated floors. Our slab-on-grade design provides unique advantages for the building and building process.  Air-heated floors are available, also, for basement and 2nd and 3rd storey pours.


Legalett In-Floor Heating Gives a Much More Even and Comfortable Indoor Climate





The Legalett Insulated Slab on Grade ICF Systems are Essentially Two Building Systems in One - High Performance Insulated Foundations and Floor Slabs using ICF and the efficient Legalett Air-Heated Radiant Floor System - making heated Frost Protected Shallow Foundation design easy and getting energy saving buildings off on the right footing!



  • Find Out More Here:



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27/3/2025 | 10:20